Apex Update

The rounds of Apex are set up and ready to play, Next step is deciding what to do once you return to your home town after beating the tournament.

Some features I’m planning on implementing:
-Weapon/armor upgrades slots (operational)
-Learn new skills in menu by paying gold or maybe other currency (planning stage)
-Mutually Exclusive Alignment System – depending on your choices throughout you gain “light side” & “dark side” points, but they are mutually exclusive meaning you the dark and light points don’t effect each other.
Ex. you have 20 dark and 20 light. normally you’d be neutral and get 0 different speech choices. In Apex, you’d have an extra 2 dark and 2 light responses despite both being even.

Photos Attached: World Map :Atmos
Round 4 of Apex
Nadir (Your home town)

Nadir – The Main Character’s Hometown 
World Map
Atmos – The Planet where Apex is Set 
Round 4
Round 4 of Apex Tournament