EARGASM OF THE DAY – Is the Safety On?

So here’s some more local music from the Dayton area. here is some hip hop to start off the day.

I’m trying something new EARGASMS EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK, but here’s the thing. 30 eargasms each month is a lot of music so… I want YOUR HELP. Leave a link to an eargasm that you’ve heard recently in Β the comments or facebook and Ill consider putting them up for Eargasm of the Day. Thanks for tuning in πŸ˜€

10 thoughts on “EARGASM OF THE DAY – Is the Safety On?

      1. It’s Indonesian song, let me do my translation:

        Peace with You

        I think Under the sun
        In Between Nature’s magnificent
        Enjoying the Beauty of Your love
        My heart felt peaceful

        How Your words like The Flowing Water
        Dampen Scorching Heat In My Heart
        Give bright on my path
        My heart felt peaceful

        Do not Let this Peace go
        Do not Let Everything Passes
        Only In You, God
        my shelter
        from Falsehood of Worlds

        When I Far From Yourself
        I will be done All my trip
        In order for Always There Near You
        Let I felt Your love

  1. Pingback: EARGASM OF THE DAY – Odd indeed | Audio Sexxx

  2. Pingback: EARGASM OF THE DAY – Not for this Time Indeed | Audio Sexxx

  3. I’m not big on rap, but there is this middle space that some of it hits, part music, part story delivery…sometimes I like that. This is okay…a bit much in some cases (for my tastes) but I love the range of music you introduce all of us too. And I appreciate that in this, as well. I listened to the whole thing πŸ™‚

    Just as an aside, not being black I don’t fully understand and won’t be able to by virtue of my color…but it’s always bothered me that the use of the word “nigga” or “nigger” is so easily slipped from some lips. I get in some cases, it’s like taking back the word ‘slut’ or like when I was in college and someone called me a ‘bitch’ and I decided to ‘take it back’, or really any number of words that we have issue with as a society, as genders, as colors, as religious affiliates, nationalists…what have you.

    But it still bothers me. I still feel it’s a hurtful word. My step-dad and his mother used it a lot, so being in my house, it always had a negative connotation…and I don’t think I have ever gotten over it. I think I especially took issue with because when I lived in Lansing, MI on Ionia and my best friend was one street over, and another best friend was a couple blocks over….they were both black. And they were nicer to me than anyone else, they knew my life, and I knew their’s…and even though we couldn’t go to each others houses because of racism….we still were best friends. We were all held hostage by racism in our homes.

    I don’t know…I guess….I got off on a tangent. Point is, this was good, but I don’t usually listen to things with certain words in them….this is one of those words….I don’t even mind MotherFucker as much as I hate that other one.

    But keep bringing the music….I may be old and out of the loop, but I love music.


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